by The Feel Great | Nov 10, 2024 | Update
Fatty liver disease is emerging as a significant metabolic challenge, affecting millions globally. The liver, often described as the “soccer mom” of metabolism, plays a crucial role in managing nutrients, including fats. This blog delves into the...
by The Feel Great | Nov 7, 2024 | Update
How did we end up here with a metabolic health crisis in the midst of an obesity epidemic where most of us are eating more calories than we need? Why did the fat problem turn into a carb problem? Why does our body even need insulin? These are the questions we will...
by The Feel Great | Nov 4, 2024 | Update
How does insulin work to lay down body fat in some of us but not others? How can we use carbohydrates healthfully while losing fat … without ‘dieting’?In his authoritative and accessible overview of fat metabolism and filling out the picture explored in his first...
by The Feel Great | Nov 4, 2024 | Update
In a new lecture, Ben Bikman MD, a biomedical scientist researching metabolism at the University of California, Riverside, explores what it takes to lose fat, and more importantly, he digs into the biology that keeps us fat. This post will outline his key insights,...
by The Feel Great | Nov 2, 2024 | Update
Unicity Unimate has been gaining attention as a powerful supplement that supports metabolic health, helping people reach their weight and wellness goals. But what sets it apart? A recent study dives into how Unimate impacts three crucial metabolic tissues: fat,...